
All meetings start at 7.30 pm in the Farmor Room at Fairford Community Centre except for the January and February meetings both at 2.30 pm this year. There are no meetings in July, August and December

Fairford History Society 2025 Programme

Next Meeting

16 January History of Christmas and wassailing by Robin Burton (afternoon meeting at 2.30pm)
20 February Along the River Coln by through Fairford by Edwin Cuss (afternoon meeting at 2.30pm)
20 March John Putley on a topic to be decided.
24 April (4th Thursday) Maps and LiDAR imagery for historic studies in and around the Fairford and Cirencester areas by Peter Vujakovic of GlosGeog (Gloucestershire Branch of the Geographical Association)
15 May Fairford’s part in the Second World War by Chris Hobson
19 June AGM Show and Tell

All meetings reports are issued in the Fairford Flyer.