The Tames of Fairford

The Tames of Fairford: the life and times of a Medieval Cotswold Wool Merchant and his Family

Tame cover0001


by Chris Hobson

Price £12 (£10 to FHS members) (p & p £1.40)

ISBN 978 0957349254
available from or 01285 711768




OP 7: Pubs, Inns and Beer Retailers in Fairford

Pubs Book

Compiled by Alison Hobson
FHS Occasional Paper -7
Out of print

This booklet was compiled with historical Information about former and present pubs and inns in Fairford to provide additional information for the picture presentation on pubs and hotels of Fairford by Edwin Cuss on February 16th 2012. It also lists all the beer retailers. Price £1 (p&p 50p) available from or 01285 711768