September 9th 2004: Fairford History Society 1st meeting

The newly formed Fairford History Society met on 9th September to agree a Constitution and elect officers. Over 30 people heard:
Keith Cottam elected as Chairman,
Alison Hobson as Secretary
and Geoff Hawkes as Treasurer.
June Lewis-Jones was unanimously voted in as President
and former Mayor, David Perry as Vice President.
Keith Cottam said that he was pleased with the turn-out for the meeting and membership had now increased to 76 members. “There is enough history in Fairford” he said “to run a University faculty.”

When the official business had been completed, Colin Watkins gave a talk about “How Education came to Fairford”.

May 4th 2005: AGM and Fairford memories

At FHS’s first AGM on 4th May, members enjoyed a lively and interesting evening, when a panel of long-standing Fairfordians recalled what Fairford was like when they were young. The panel, consisting of Peter Egerton, Maurice Jones, David Perry, Meg Perry and Peter Yells, chaired by Brian Routledge, discussed their schools, the town’s pubs, the railway, wartime experiences and Fairford’s former shops.